
During JuliaCon 2023 I have had several discussions about setup of my working environment when I develop Julia code. One of the common questions was tools that I use to debug my code.

With Julia an important aspect of the debugging tool one uses is to ensure that it does not have a significant impact on the performance of code execution. Keeping this condition in mind, I find Infiltrator.jl quite convenient. In this post I want to show an example how this package can be used.

The post was written using Julia 1.9.2 and Infiltrator.jl 1.6.4. Note that you should use the examples that I present in the terminal using the standard Julia REPL.

An example project

Let us write a simple function that merges two sorted vectors into a new sorted vector:

function mergesorted(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Vector}
    @assert issorted(x) && issorted(y)
    z = T(undef, length(x) + length(y))
    ix, iy, iz = 1, 1, 1
    for iz in eachindex(z)
        if x[ix] < y[iy]
            z[iz] = x[ix]
            ix += 1
            z[iz] = y[iy]
            iy += 1
    return z

Now test it on some example data:

julia> mergesorted([1, 3], [2, 4])
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-element Vector{Int64} at index [3]

We see that we get a problem when we try to get an element from a vector with a too large index. Let us try to infiltrate this issue but providing an appropriate condition when we want to investigate the state of our function:

using Infiltrator
function mergesorted(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Vector}
    @assert issorted(x) && issorted(y)
    z = T(undef, length(x) + length(y))
    ix, iy, iz = 1, 1, 1
    for iz in eachindex(z)
        @infiltrate ix > length(x) || iy > length(y)
        if x[ix] < y[iy]
            z[iz] = x[ix]
            ix += 1
            z[iz] = y[iy]
            iy += 1
    return z

The magic of @infiltrate ix > length(x) || iy > length(y) is that the execution of the mergesorted function will be interrupted at the moment when the passed condition is met. Our condition is that either ix or iy index gets too large.

Let us run our test with an updated definition of the function:

julia> mergesorted([1, 3], [2, 4])
Infiltrating mergesorted(x::Vector{Int64}, y::Vector{Int64})
  at REPL[11]:6

infil> @locals
- x::Vector{Int64} = [1, 3]
- T::DataType = Vector{Int64}
- iz::Int64 = 4
- y::Vector{Int64} = [2, 4]
- z::Vector{Int64} = [1, 2, 3, 2041652468496]
- iy::Int64 = 2
- ix::Int64 = 3

infil> @continue

ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-element Vector{Int64} at index [3]

We see that we have a problem that we get beyond the end of the x vector while the last element of the y vector is still not processed. It looks that we need to check if we are beyond the end of the x vector, and if it is the case jump right to the else part of the code:

function mergesorted(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Vector}
    @assert issorted(x) && issorted(y)
    z = T(undef, length(x) + length(y))
    ix, iy, iz = 1, 1, 1
    for iz in eachindex(z)
        @infiltrate ix > length(x) || iy > length(y)
        if ix <= length(x) && x[ix] < y[iy]
            z[iz] = x[ix]
            ix += 1
            z[iz] = y[iy]
            iy += 1
    return z

Let us run the code:

julia> mergesorted([1, 3], [2, 4])
Infiltrating mergesorted(x::Vector{Int64}, y::Vector{Int64})
  at REPL[13]:6

infil> @locals
- x::Vector{Int64} = [1, 3]
- T::DataType = Vector{Int64}
- iz::Int64 = 4
- y::Vector{Int64} = [2, 4]
- z::Vector{Int64} = [1, 2, 3, 8589934594]
- iy::Int64 = 2
- ix::Int64 = 3

infil> @continue

4-element Vector{Int64}:

This time things seem to work as expected. Let us thus turn-off infiltration and run some randomized tests:

function mergesorted(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Vector}
    @assert issorted(x) && issorted(y)
    z = T(undef, length(x) + length(y))
    ix, iy, iz = 1, 1, 1
    for iz in eachindex(z)
        if ix <= length(x) && x[ix] < y[iy]
            z[iz] = x[ix]
            ix += 1
            z[iz] = y[iy]
            iy += 1
    return z

And run the tests:

julia> using Random

julia> using Test

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> for i in 1:10
           x = sort!(rand(rand(1:10)))
               y = sort!(rand(rand(1:10)))
           @assert mergesorted(x, y) == sort!([x; y])
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 3-element Vector{Float64} at index [4]

As a side note, the rand(rand(1:10)) is a convenient pattern for generating random vectors of random length.

Going back to our main topic we see that we still get a problem. How to diagnose it? This time, as an example, let me show how to turn infiltration on when an error happens:

function mergesorted(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Vector}
    @assert issorted(x) && issorted(y)
    z = T(undef, length(x) + length(y))
    ix, iy, iz = 1, 1, 1
    for iz in eachindex(z)
            if ix <= length(x) && x[ix] < y[iy]
                z[iz] = x[ix]
                ix += 1
                z[iz] = y[iy]
                iy += 1
        catch e
    return z

Now run the same test code:

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> for i in 1:10
           x = sort!(rand(rand(1:10)))
               y = sort!(rand(rand(1:10)))
           @assert mergesorted(x, y) == sort!([x; y])
Infiltrating mergesorted(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
  at REPL[31]:15

infil> @locals
- x::Vector{Float64} = [0.6932923170086805, 0.7600131804670265]
- T::DataType = Vector{Float64}
- iz::Int64 = 4
- y::Vector{Float64} = [0.11679226454435099, 0.20295936651757684, 0.43552097477865936]
- e::BoundsError = BoundsError([0.11679226454435099, 0.20295936651757684, 0.43552097477865936], (4,))
- z::Vector{Float64} = [0.11679226454435099, 0.20295936651757684, 0.43552097477865936, 5.0e-324, 5.0e-324]
- iy::Int64 = 4
- ix::Int64 = 1

infil> @continue

ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 3-element Vector{Float64} at index [4]

Ah - we can now see where the problem is. We have not covered the case when iy is greater than the length of y. It seems we are close. Let us make a final attempt:

function mergesorted(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Vector}
    @assert issorted(x) && issorted(y)
    z = T(undef, length(x) + length(y))
    ix, iy, iz = 1, 1, 1
    for iz in eachindex(z)
        if ix <= length(x) && (iy > length(y) || x[ix] < y[iy])
            z[iz] = x[ix]
            ix += 1
            z[iz] = y[iy]
            iy += 1
    return z

We are ready for an even more comprehensive test:

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> for i in 1:10_000
           x = sort!(rand(rand(0:10)))
               y = sort!(rand(rand(0:10)))
           @assert mergesorted(x, y) == sort!([x; y])

This time we got no errors, so we can be relatively confident that our code works well.


I find Infiltrator.jl useful because it is a lightweight solution. I did not discuss all of its features. However, even these minimal examples I have shown are quite nice in practice:

  1. You can use @infiltrate with a condition.
  2. You can put @infiltrate in a try-catch-end block to be able to infiltrate into the state of your computations at the moment an exception is thrown (a thing that I quite often need in practice).

Happy debugging!