
Today I want to make a user survey about a future direction of development of DataFrames.jl.

Most commonly users want to select columns of a data frame using their names and this is the operation that has an extensive support in DataFrames.jl. However, in some cases one might need to perform such a selection conditional on a value stored in a column.

I want to ask if we should add a special selector allowing for picking columns of a data frame based on their values. The question is given in the conclusions section. However, before we get to it let us briefly review what is currently supported.

The post was written using Julia 1.9.2 and DataFrames.jl 1.6.1.

Column selection using column names

First create a simple data frame on which we are going to perform the column selection examples:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(a1 = [1, 2],
                      a2=[1, missing],
                      b1=Any[3, missing],
                      b2=Any[3, 4])
2×4 DataFrame
 Row │ a1     a2       b1       b2
     │ Int64  Int64?   Any      Any
   1 │     1        1  3        3
   2 │     2  missing  missing  4

Now assume we want to pick columns whose name starts with "b":

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("b")))
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ b1       b2
     │ Any      Any
   1 │ 3        3
   2 │ missing  4

As you can see, if you pass a function returning a Bool (such a function is often called a predicate) to Cols selector you get columns whose names match the condition defined by this function.

Today I want to focus on cases when you specify the condition using a function. However, let me mention that there are other ways to perform selection we discussed above. For example we could use a regular expression:

julia> select(df, Cols(r"^b"))
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ b1       b2
     │ Any      Any
   1 │ 3        3
   2 │ missing  4

In general, in DataFrames.jl you currently have the following ways to select columns (Warning! The list is long.):

  • a symbol, string, or integer;
  • vector of symbols, strings, integers, or bools;
  • regular expression;
  • All, Between, Cols, Not, and : selectors.

Column selection using column values

What if we wanted to select the columns using their values. For example, assume that we want to pick columns that contain missing value. In this case the easiest way to do it is to use the eachcol(df) iterator over columns of our data frame:

julia> select(df, any.(ismissing, eachcol(df)))
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a2       b1
     │ Int64?   Any
   1 │       1  3
   2 │ missing  missing

Notice that the any.(ismissing, eachcol(df)) condition iterates all columns of df and for each of them returns true if they contain any missing value (and false otherwise):

julia> any.(ismissing, eachcol(df))
4-element BitVector:

An alternative, similar condition would be to select all columns that allow for storing missing value (without requiring that they actually have it stored in them). For this we need to use the eltype function on columns:

julia> select(df, Missing .<: eltype.(eachcol(df)))
2×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a2       b1       b2
     │ Int64?   Any      Any
   1 │       1  3        3
   2 │ missing  missing  4

Note that the difference is column :b2, which does not contain missing values, but could contain them since its element type is Any.

Column selection using column names and values

Now, what if we wanted to perform column selection based on both their names and values?

The general pattern uses pairs(eachcol(df)) which iterates pairs of column names and values:

julia> pairs(eachcol(df))
Iterators.Pairs(::DataFrames.DataFrameColumns{DataFrame}, ::Vector{Symbol})(...):
  :a1 => [1, 2]
  :a2 => Union{Missing, Int64}[1, missing]
  :b1 => Any[3, missing]
  :b2 => Any[3, 4]

So for example if we wanted to pick columns that contain missing values and start with "a" we can write:

julia> select(df, [startswith(string(n), "a") && any(ismissing, c)
                   for (n,c) in pairs(eachcol(df))])
2×1 DataFrame
 Row │ a2
     │ Int64?
   1 │       1
   2 │ missing

This pattern is fully general, but slightly verbose, especially column names returned by pairs are Symbols. The same condition can be written more naturally as follows:

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("a"),
                       any.(ismissing, eachcol(df));
2×1 DataFrame
 Row │ a2
     │ Int64?
   1 │       1
   2 │ missing

Here we take advantage of the fact that our condition was a conjunction and Cols selector accepts the operator keyword argument with allows to get an intersection of two selectors.

If we wanted to select columns that meet at least one of the conditions this would be even simpler:

julia> select(df, Cols(startswith("a"),
                       any.(ismissing, eachcol(df))))
2×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a1     a2       b1
     │ Int64  Int64?   Any
   1 │     1        1  3
   2 │     2  missing  missing

Note that by default Cols select columns that are a union of selectors passed to it.


I hope the examples I presented today will be useful when you work with DataFrames.jl.

You might ask why, when performing column selection based on their values one needs to invoke eachcol(df). This is indeed a bit verbose. However, we decided that Cols(predicate), which is shorter to write should apply the predicate function to column names as this is a more common operation. And if user wants to apply the predicate function to column values (which is a less frequent case) writing predicate.(eachcol(df)) is readable and easy enough.

If we added a built-in way for selection of columns by value it would mean that instead of writing predicate.(eachcol(df)) you would write something like Vals(predicate) (the Vals is an example name - the choice of name can be done later).

The benefits of having it are:

  • It is shorter.
  • We do not have a redundance of having to pass the df data frame in the expression.

Here are the cons of adding it:

  • It makes the list of things to learn longer (and the list is already quite long).
  • It is ambiguous how the Vals(predicate) should be interpreted if it were used in the context of GroupedDataFrame as the question would be how should we treat the groups (so most likely it should be only allowed for AbstractDataFrame).
  • It would require a change of internal memory layout of DataFrame object (which means that the next release of DataFrames.jl would be incompatible on binary level with the current release so serialization/deserialization would not work cross-versions).

Now comes the question:

Should we add a new special selector that would allow picking columns based on their values?

If you have an opinion please vote or comment in this issue on GitHub.