
Last week I have received several questions about efficiency of iteration over rows of data frames in DataFrames.jl. In this post I summarize the most important recommendations on this topic.

The code I use was written under Julia 1.7.2, DataFrames.jl 1.3.4, DataFramesMeta.jl 0.11.0.

A basic approach

Assume we have a data frame that has two numeric columns :a and :b and we want to check if for all rows the value in column :a is less than the value in column :b. We want to compare several approaches to this task and check their performance. (I have chosen an easy task on purpose to concentrate on the issue of iteration.)

Here is a basic approach to this problem (in all the examples I will run the operation twice and show the @time output to capture the compilation time and reflect interactive experience of the user):

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(a=1:100_000_000, b=2:100_000_001)
100000000×2 DataFrame
       Row │ a          b
           │ Int64      Int64
         1 │         1          2
         2 │         2          3
     ⋮     │     ⋮          ⋮
  99999999 │  99999999  100000000
 100000000 │ 100000000  100000001
             99999996 rows omitted

julia> @time all(df.a .< df.b)
  0.204820 seconds (326.44 k allocations: 28.022 MiB, 53.94% compilation time)

julia> @time all(df.a .< df.b)
  0.093742 seconds (6 allocations: 11.925 MiB)

I have used broadcasting to present a reference performance of the operation.

Using data frame row iteration

The first take on our problem is to use the eachrow iterator:

julia> function f1(df)
           for row in eachrow(df)
               row.a < row.b || return false
           return true
f1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @time f1(df)
 19.280229 seconds (700.15 M allocations: 10.438 GiB, 6.00% gc time, 0.20% compilation time)

julia> @time f1(df)
 19.465430 seconds (700.00 M allocations: 10.431 GiB, 5.46% gc time)

As you can see using eachrow is slow. This approach is easy, but should be used only for data frames that have few rows. The reason why it is slow is that it is not type stable.

Using named tuples

Here is the approach that is type stable:

julia> function f2(nti)
           for row in nti
               row.a < row.b || return false
           return true
f2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @time f2(Tables.namedtupleiterator(df))
  0.104822 seconds (7.64 k allocations: 438.955 KiB, 7.41% compilation time)

julia> @time f2(Tables.namedtupleiterator(df))
  0.090318 seconds (9 allocations: 336 bytes)

This time the operation is fast. Note two things though:

  • using Tables.namedtupleiterator can be slow if data frame has many columns (it can have high compilation cost);
  • we need to pass Tables.namedtupleiterator(df) as an argument to f2 to make this function type stable.

Using vectors

The next approach that is typically used is to pass the vectors that we want to compare to the function:

julia> function f3(a, b)
           for i in eachindex(a, b)
               @inbounds a[i] < b[i] || return false
           return true
f3 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @time f3(df.a, df.b)
  0.113009 seconds (6.14 k allocations: 323.976 KiB, 6.03% compilation time)

julia> @time f3(df.a, df.b)
  0.082265 seconds

As you can see the operation is fast this time. I know I can safely use @inbounds because the i index is taken from eachindex(a, b) that guarantees that only valid indices are passed.

Using DataFramesMeta.jl

The last option we consider is using the @eachrow! macro from DataFramesMeta.jl:

julia> function f4(df)
           flag = true
           @eachrow! df begin
               if !(:a < :b)
                   flag = false
           return flag
f4 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @time f4(df)
  0.133970 seconds (80.46 k allocations: 4.634 MiB, 16.30% compilation time)

julia> @time f4(df)
  0.090125 seconds (27 allocations: 1.578 KiB)

The operation is also fast. Here it is worth to note two things:

  • we use @eachrow! not @eachrow as the latter would copy df which in our case is not needed;
  • we need to use the flag helper variable and we cannot use break to stop the iteration early (in the example I use this does not affect the result since :a is always less than :b so we iterate all rows anyway, but for other data it could matter).


The take-aways from these examples are as follows:

  • eachrow is easy to use, but it will be slow if you work with data frame that has many rows;
  • you can use Tables.namedtupleiterator wrapper instead of eachrow; it will be fast but it can have large compilation time for wide tables (note, however, that you can always pass only a narrow data frame to it if not all source columns are needed in your operation, for example Tables.namedtupleiterator(df[!, [:a, :b]]) in the code we used in this post);
  • you can directly pass columns you want to work with to a function - this approach will be fast and gives you most control (at the expense of having to write a more low-level code);
  • There is the @eachrow! macro (and @eachrow if you want to copy data) in DataFramesMeta.jl that will be also fast. When you use it remember that it is designed to always iterate all rows of a data frame.