
This post continues the presentation of new features added in DataFrames.jl 1.3.0. Last week in this post I have discussed the changes that improve performance of reduction operations that take wide data (e.g. taking an average of 10,000 columns). This week I will focus on improvements of convenience of use of the data transformation mini-language.

The post was written under Julia 1.7.0 and DataFrames.jl 1.3.0.

The data transformation mini-language

The select[!], transform[!], combine, and subset[!] functions in DataFrames.jl accept specification of column transformation’s using a so called data transformation mini-language. It has a general form:

[input column names] => [transformation function] => [output columns]

A full specification of allowed forms can be found here. However, you might find it a bit technical. This is unfortunately unavoidable, as the mini-language was designed to allow maximum flexibility, so that packages like DataFramesMeta.jl or DataFrameMacros.jl can rely on it and provide a nice user-facing syntax. Therefore in this post I have presented several introductory examples of its usage.

New features

One of the common advanced use-cases of the mini-language is performing the same transformation on multiple columns of a data frame. Imagine that you have the following data frame:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(name='A':'E', year2019=1:5, year2020=2:6, year2021=3:7)
5×4 DataFrame
 Row │ name  year2019  year2020  year2021
     │ Char  Int64     Int64     Int64
   1 │ A            1         2         3
   2 │ B            2         3         4
   3 │ C            3         4         5
   4 │ D            4         5         6
   5 │ E            5         6         7

Now assume that we wanted to calculate sum of each of the columns :year2019, :year2020, and :year2021. The simplest way to achieve this is the following:

julia> combine(df, :year2019 => sum, :year2020 => sum, :year2021 => sum)
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ year2019_sum  year2020_sum  year2021_sum
     │ Int64         Int64         Int64
   1 │           15            20            25

(Note that in the call I have omitted output column name part so DataFrames.jl automatically generated the column names consisting of the source column name and the transformation function name that was applied to it.)

However, you might consider the above call to the combine function a bit redundant. You can write the same using broadcasting like this:

julia> combine(df, [:year2019, :year2020, :year2021] .=> sum)
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ year2019_sum  year2020_sum  year2021_sum
     │ Int64         Int64         Int64
   1 │           15            20            25

Note how the [:year2019, :year2020, :year2021] .=> sum is being handled by Julia before it is passed to the combine function:

julia> [:year2019, :year2020, :year2021] .=> sum
3-element Vector{Pair{Symbol, typeof(sum)}}:
 :year2019 => sum
 :year2020 => sum
 :year2021 => sum

Now you might ask, what if I did not have three columns to process but 100 of them? It is easy to select their names using the names function. Here I show you how to select all columns in the data frame except the :name column:

julia> names(df, Not(:name))
3-element Vector{String}:

Therefore the call to combine above can be rewritten as:

julia> combine(df, names(df, Not(:name)) .=> sum)
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ year2019_sum  year2020_sum  year2021_sum
     │ Int64         Int64         Int64
   1 │           15            20            25

This already looks quite powerful, but there is one annoying thing. Why do we need to call the names function? It should be obvious that Not(:name) applies to the df data frame. Let us check if this would work:

julia> combine(df, Not(:name) .=> sum)
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ year2019_sum  year2020_sum  year2021_sum
     │ Int64         Int64         Int64
   1 │           15            20            25

Yes it does! And this is the new feature in DataFrames.jl 1.3 I wanted to talk about today.

The select[!], transform[!], combine, and subset[!] functions when they get any of the selectors Not, Between, Cols, All in a broadcasting expression are now able to resolve them with respect to the context of the data frame that is being processed by them.

Let me give two more examples of this feature to show you how it works:

julia> combine(df, Not(:name) .=> [minimum maximum])
1×6 DataFrame
 Row │ year2019_minimum  year2020_minimum  year2021_minimum  year2019_maximum  year2020_maximum  year2021_maximum
     │ Int64             Int64             Int64             Int64             Int64             Int64
   1 │                1                 2                 3                 5                 6                 7

julia> combine(df, Not(:name) .=> sum .=> Not(:name))
1×3 DataFrame
 Row │ year2019  year2020  year2021
     │ Int64     Int64     Int64
   1 │       15        20        25

In the first one you can see that broadcasting is properly applied even in two dimensional case (note that [minimum maximum] is a Matrix).

In the second example you see that broadcasting is properly handled both in specification of source as well as for target column names.

Behind the scenes

The way things work are in my opinion intuitive and expected. However, let me show you that they are not as easy as you might think. The reason is that broadcasting is resolved before the data transformation mini-language expression is passed to combine (or other transformation functions I have listed). Let us check how the expressions I have used above get resolved before they got passed to combine:

julia> Not(:name) .=> sum
InvertedIndices.BroadcastedInvertedIndex(InvertedIndex{Symbol}(:name)) => sum

julia> Not(:name) .=> [minimum maximum]
1×2 Matrix{Pair{InvertedIndices.BroadcastedInvertedIndex}}:
 BroadcastedInvertedIndex(InvertedIndex{Symbol}(:name))=>minimum  BroadcastedInvertedIndex(InvertedIndex{Symbol}(:name))=>maximum

julia> Not(:name) .=> sum .=> Not(:name)
InvertedIndices.BroadcastedInvertedIndex(InvertedIndex{Symbol}(:name)) => (sum => InvertedIndices.BroadcastedInvertedIndex(InvertedIndex{Symbol}(:name)))

They look quite messy. What is the problem? All these three data transformation mini-language expressions do not include df in them. Therefore when Julia executes the broadcasting operation it is unaware of the df context. The workaround is to create a special BroadcastedInvertedIndex object (in the case of Not operation; for Cols, Between, and All also a special wrapper object is created) that signals combine that broadcasting was used on Not(:name) selector. Then combine internally has implemented its own broadcasting machinery that matches the Julia Base broadcasting rules and resolves the expression within the df context as required.

As you can see things that seem simple end up quite complex. In particular this means that DataFrames.jl must closely monitor changes in Julia Base broadcasting implementation to make sure it matches its rules.


I have two conclusions for today.

The first one is user facing. In DataFrames.jl 1.3 we have added a long requested convenience functionality of broadcasting Not, Cols, Between, and All calls in data transformation mini-language within the context of a data frame that they apply to. Therefore, hopefully, our users will be more happy now.

The second is for DataFrames.jl maintenance. Some of the users might have noted that JuliaData members always ask for a strong justification before new features are added. The reason is twofold. Firstly, having increasingly more features makes learning of DataFrames.jl harder. Secondly, as you can see in the example given today, adding new features makes the code base of DataFrames.jl quite complex and implicitly strongly linked to Julia Base design. This means that it becomes increasingly harder for new contributors to get involved in the package development (and we would love to see more of them so we prefer to keep things simple if possible).

Finally, in the coming weeks I will continue the discussion of the new features in DataFrames.jl 1.3, so stay tuned.