
In every programming language performing comparisons is one of the most fundamental operations. Many people starting to learn Julia find it surprising that it provides two sets of comparison operators. Today I want to summarize how each of them works and discuss the practical consequences.

In this the post I use Julia 1.6.3.

The standard comparison operators

Normally one uses == and != to test for equality, and <, >, <=, and >= to test for ordering of values.

Here we can see how it works:

julia> 1 == 2

julia> "ab" < "cd"

julia> (1, "ab") > (1, "cd")

julia> (1 => 2) < (3 => 4)

An important distinction is that == and != are always defined for values of any type, while the ordering comparisons are defined only when the type designer decided that such comparisons make sense.

Another general rule that is worth remembering, and it was shown in the examples above, is that comparisons can be applied to collections (like e.g. arrays or tuples) and they normally are implemented by recursively comparing elements contained in the collection using the lexicographic ordering.

The standard operators are typically used in practice and are, in particular, easy to type and read. However, they exhibit behavior that might not be desirable in certain cases. The three most common situations are as follows.

Case 1: numeric -0.0 and 0.0 are considered equal:

julia> -0.0 == 0.0

julia> -0.0 < 0.0

Case 2: comparisons with NaN always produce false:

julia> NaN == NaN

julia> NaN < NaN

julia> NaN > NaN

julia> NaN == 1.0

julia> NaN < 1.0

julia> NaN > 1.0

Case 3: comparisons with missing always produce missing:

julia> missing == missing

julia> missing < missing

julia> missing > missing

julia> missing == 1

julia> missing < 1

julia> missing > 1

These properties make sense in certain situations, but when e.g. we want to sort values or store them in a dictionary or set they are not desirable. Therefore Julia introduces another set of comparison operators.

The special comparison operators

There are two special comparison functions: isequal and isless. The major difference here is that the user can expect that these comparisons always return a Bool value. Additionally isequal distinguishes 0.0 and -0.0 and considers all NaN values as equal. Therefore:

julia> isequal(NaN, NaN)

julia> isless(NaN, NaN)

julia> isequal(-0.0, 0.0)

julia> isless(-0.0, 0.0)

julia> isequal(missing, missing)

julia> isless(missing, missing)

Here is an example of isequal at work:

julia> unique([-1.0, -0.0, 0.0, missing, NaN, NaN])
5-element Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}:

The unique function uses isequal to test for equality thus it de-duplicated NaNs, but retained both -0.0 and 0.0. Also, even though we had missing in the vector it was not a problem and the function worked without an error.

Similarly, sort uses isless by default so the following works:

julia> sort([-1.0, -0.0, 0.0, missing, NaN, NaN])
6-element Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}:

If we switched the comparison operator to < we would get an error:

julia> sort([-1.0, -0.0, 0.0, missing, NaN, NaN], lt=<)
ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Missing) used in boolean context

or have an undefined result in corner cases:

julia> sort([-0.0, 0.0], lt=<)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> sort([0.0, -0.0], lt=<)
2-element Vector{Float64}:

In practice the most common use of isequal and isless is in cases when we want to avoid missing result from a comparison.

The egal equality

Before we move forward it is worth to know that in Julia there is yet a third notion of equality. It is invoked using the === comparison. This comparison always returns a Bool value and tests if the passed arguments are identical, in the sense that no program could distinguish them.

This distinction is most relevant for mutable types:

julia> x = [1]
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> y = [1]
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> x === x

julia> x === y

julia> x == x

julia> x == y

As you can see above x and y vectors are considered equal by == as they have the same contents, but are not equal by === as they have a different location in memory.

It is important to note here that immutable types are compared with === by their contents on bit level, so we have the following:

julia> x = (1,)

julia> y = (1,)

julia> x === y

Rules for designing custom types

In Julia it is very easy to define custom types. Therefore it is crucially important, when doing so, to understand what are the default implementations of the comparison operators. Here are the rules:

  • == falls back to === by default;
  • isequal falls back to == by default and additionally requires that the hash function is consistently defined;
  • < falls back to isless.

As you can see, maybe somewhat surprisingly, the fallback implementations work in different ways for == and isequal vs < and isless pairs. Also, although == is not directly linked with hash it is indirectly linked to it because isequal falls back to it.

The simple practical rule then is the following. If you define a new type then:

  • always design ==, isequal and hash functions jointly if you implement them (if you do not implement any you are safe as the default fallbacks for === and hash are designed in a consistent way);
  • if you want your type to support ordering, always design < and isless jointly, and then also define the equality operators discussed in the bullet above.

The in case study

As a special application of the above examples let me discuss the in function here. It is very useful for testing if some value is found in some collection. I am mentioning it because the implementation of in is quite tricky in Julia 1.6. Normally it uses == to test for equality except for certain collections, like Set or Dict, which use isequal instead. In consequence we have the following:

julia> 1 in [1, missing]

julia> 1 in [2, missing]

julia> 1 in Set([1, missing])

julia> 1 in Set([2, missing])

julia> NaN in [NaN]

julia> NaN in Set([NaN])

julia> 0.0 in [-0.0]

julia> 0.0 in Set([-0.0])

These differences can be surprising so it is important to remember them. Let me note that this is a quite relevant practical consideration because using of a Set wrapper is a very common pattern for improving the performance of the in test:

julia> x = rand(Int, 10^5);

julia> y = rand(Int, 10^5);

julia> in.(x, Ref(y)); # precompile

julia> @time in.(x, Ref(y)); # this is slow
  5.528883 seconds (6 allocations: 16.672 KiB)

julia> in.(x, Ref(Set(y))); # precompile

julia> @time in.(x, Ref(Set(y))); # this is fast
  0.006156 seconds (14 allocations: 2.267 MiB)

The isapprox case study

Sometimes when comparing numeric values we are interested in checking if they are approximately equal. The reason is that in some cases due to round-off errors the sharp == equality is not what one might expect:

julia> 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3

In such cases, when we are interested in testing of approximate equality the isapprox function can be used:

julia> isapprox(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3)

You might ask how the approximate equality is defined. The rules are a bit involved so I refer you to the documentation for the details. Here let me just note that you can control absolute tolerance, relative tolerance and how NaN values are handled via atol, reltol, and nans keyword arguments respectively.


Designing comparison operators properly is one of the hardest tasks in every programming language. In Julia the design covers a wide range of possible scenarios that the user might want in practice. The cost of this flexible design is that it takes some time to master it. I hope that after reading this post you have enough understanding of the details to be able to confidently work with comparison operators in Julia.