Should I use mutable or immutable containers for agent based models in Julia?
It is a well known performance recommendation in the Julia language that avoiding allocations matters and using immutable objects is a good practice. In this post, in the context of creation of agent based models, I want to show two examples of a toy codes that highlight the key aspects of this issue.
All the examples are tested under Julia 1.5.2. The Setfield.jl package version used is 0.7.
Avoiding allocations
Consider the following code:
using Statistics
struct AgentI
mutable struct AgentM
fI(n) = mean(x -> x.loc, [AgentI(i) for i in 1:n])
fM(n) = mean(x -> x.loc, [AgentM(i) for i in 1:n])
The only difference between functions fI
and fM
is that they respectively
work on immutable and mutable objects. I use mean
for aggeration to make sure
that the compiler does not optimize out too much.
Let us benchmark these codes:
julia> fI(1); fM(1); GC.gc(); # force compilation and collect garbage
julia> @time fI(10^8)
0.385592 seconds (2 allocations: 762.940 MiB, 0.73% gc time)
julia> @time GC.gc()
0.091111 seconds, 100.00% gc time
julia> @time fM(10^8)
3.498990 seconds (100.00 M allocations: 2.235 GiB, 60.79% gc time)
julia> @time GC.gc()
0.295949 seconds, 100.00% gc time
We see that working with mutable objects was ten times slower and also
it lead to a higher garbage collection cost after fM
In particular note that over 60% of run time of fM
was spent on garbage
The reason is the following. Allocating objects has three costs:
- cost of actual allocation
- cost of having to store and use object references instead of objects directly in the container
- cost of cleaning-up (i.e. running garbage collector that frees unused memory)
The cost of data movement
A huge advantage of mutable objects is, well, that they are mutable. This makes it simple to update only their selected fields. One might wonder if the cost of having to create the immutable object anew each time in such cases is important. Let us investigate. First we set up our experiment:
using Statistics
using Setfield
struct Agent2I
junk::NTuple{100, Int}
mutable struct Agent2M
junk::NTuple{100, Int}
const REF_TUP = ntuple(i -> 0, 100)
function gI(n)
x = [Agent2I(i, REF_TUP) for i in 1:n]
for i in 1:n
xi = x[i]
x[i] = @set xi.loc += 1
return mean(x -> x.loc, x)
function gM(n)
x = [Agent2M(i, REF_TUP) for i in 1:n]
for i in 1:n
x[i].loc += 1
return mean(x -> x.loc, x)
Note that we used REF_TUP
to make the Agent2I
object have a larger memory
footprint. The size of agent state I used is usually more than enough in
practice. As you can see in the code the Setfield.jl package makes it easy to
update only selected field of an immutable object using the @set
It is time to start benchmarking:
julia> gI(1); gM(1); GC.gc();
julia> @time gI(10^7)
2.714677 seconds (2 allocations: 7.525 GiB, 0.10% gc time)
julia> @time GC.gc()
0.277477 seconds, 100.00% gc time
julia> @time gM(10^7)
7.287978 seconds (10.00 M allocations: 7.674 GiB, 59.53% gc time)
julia> @time GC.gc()
0.965113 seconds, 100.00% gc time
However, as rightly pointed out by George Datseris this benchmark is incorrect, as it mixes cost of creation and operation on the objects. Therefore we should not pay to much attention to it (I am leaving it as it was originally posted).
The correct benchmark is as follows:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> function gIx(x)
for i in 1:length(x)
xi = x[i]
x[i] = @set xi.loc += 1
return mean(x -> x.loc, x)
gIx (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function gMx(x)
for i in 1:length(x)
x[i].loc += 1
return mean(x -> x.loc, x)
gMx (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x = [Agent2I(i, REF_TUP) for i in 1:10^6];
julia> @benchmark gIx($x)
memory estimate: 0 bytes
allocs estimate: 0
minimum time: 24.361 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 49.750 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 48.954 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 50.191 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 103
evals/sample: 1
julia> x = [Agent2M(i, REF_TUP) for i in 1:10^6];
julia> @benchmark gMx($x)
memory estimate: 0 bytes
allocs estimate: 0
minimum time: 23.198 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 44.621 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 44.114 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 45.086 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 114
evals/sample: 1
Note that this time we benchmark only mutation, as object creation was moved out of the function. As you can see (and this is what I initially expected by creating a very wite agent representation) using a mutable agent is a bit faster. The reason is that there is much less data movement in this case.
What would happen if agent had a narrower representation. Let us see by making the tuple have only 10 elements, and not 100 as previously (start a fresh Julia session):
julia> using Statistics
julia> using Setfield
julia> struct Agent2I
junk::NTuple{10, Int}
julia> mutable struct Agent2M
junk::NTuple{10, Int}
julia> const REF_TUP = ntuple(i -> 0, 10)
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> function gIx(x)
for i in 1:length(x)
xi = x[i]
x[i] = @set xi.loc += 1
return mean(x -> x.loc, x)
gIx (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function gMx(x)
for i in 1:length(x)
x[i].loc += 1
return mean(x -> x.loc, x)
gMx (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x = [Agent2I(i, REF_TUP) for i in 1:10^6];
julia> @benchmark gIx($x)
memory estimate: 0 bytes
allocs estimate: 0
minimum time: 12.480 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 16.633 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 16.645 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 17.387 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 301
evals/sample: 1
julia> x = [Agent2M(i, REF_TUP) for i in 1:10^6];
julia> @benchmark gMx($x)
memory estimate: 0 bytes
allocs estimate: 0
minimum time: 12.923 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 18.289 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 18.201 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 20.137 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 275
evals/sample: 1
And we see that now immutable approach is a bit faster as we move less data.
In general working with mutable code is easier than working with immutable code. However, if you are working with performance critical code, avoiding using mutable objects is one of the first recommendations to consider when trying to optimize it. Also Setfield.jl (and upcoming Accessors.jl) make working with immutable objects relatively smooth.